I decided to stop in at the Goodwill yesterday while out and about. Want to see what I found?

First up, this tee:

Lacuna Coil merch!

I couldn’t believe it when I found this. Lacuna Coil is an Italian goth rock band, and it’s not every day you find Italian goth rock band merch in the Goodwill. Broken Crown Halo is one of their albums. The shirt is in excellent condition, and it’s my size. It was waiting for me, friends.

Love an obscure thrift store find.

Here, I’m dropping in LC’s “Veneficium” music video; I will take any opportunity to bring The Witcher into a blog post. You know I will.

Lacuna Coil and The Witcher!

Next, I found this long-sleeve top with an asymmetrical zip closure. It’s fabulous. It actually looks like a cross between an old hair salon cape and a straitjacket, and maybe that’s why I love it.

Hair salon cape meets straitjacket.

It’s faded and worn. It’s perfect.

And I love the snakeskin print detail.

On to housewares!

Pretty sure I exclaimed triumphantly when I discovered this mirror leaning against the art wall in the far back corner of the store. We’ve been wanting a large mirror to hang on the wall near the door in the living room, but good mirrors are pricey. This one is heavy and well-made, and it’s already situated in a black gothic frame. It was $14.50.

Large mirror, black frame, less than fifteen bucks. I’m easy to please.

Finally, here’s the reason why I went: For the kitchen, I’ve been wanting a small thing – any kind of thing – that could work as a holder for a damp cloth/dish rag. I was after something functional, and I found just the thing. I’m not sure what this thing is actually for, but it’s going to serve its purpose well, I believe. It was $1.50.

Whatever this is, it will work.

That’s it for this post, friends… just a mini post to share this mini haul. I love a thrift store steal of a deal.

With that, I’ll leave you to go about your night or day or what have you. See you next week!

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